Expected release date and time, what to expect and more

The release of One Punch Man chapter 179 is highly anticipated by fans after the events that transpired in the previous installment. While the series' mangaka, Yusuke Murata, publishes his chapters following a bi-weekly pattern, the schedule for the same has yet to be confirmed.

The previous chapter saw the Forte planning to get a revenge match with Saitama while he was stuck in a situation. The Caped Baldy tried to stop Tatsumkai from attacking the Blizzard group. However, she did not agree and proceeded to push Saitama back using her esper powers. With no other option left, the Caped Baldy grabbed Tatsumaki and flew outside the Hero Association building.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the One Punch Man manga and webcomic.

One Punch Man chapter 179 may feature an intense battle between Saitama and Tatsumaki

Expected release date and time, where to read

Saitama and Tatsumaki as seen in One Punch Man chapter 178 (Image via Shueisha)

Following Yusuke Murata's bi-weekly release pattern, One Punch Man chapter 179 is expected to be released on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 12 am JST.

While the date for the same is yet to be confirmed, the mangaka releases the chapters on Thursdays at 12 am JST. International fans can also access the same at this time. However, one may have to wait a few days or a week for the official English translations of the chapter to be out on Viz Media's official website.

Fans can read One Punch Man chapter 179 on Shueisha's Tonari no Young Jump website and later on Viz Media's official website, which can be expected to be released someday around February 16, 2023.

What to expect from One Punch Man chapter 179?

Tatsumaki as seen in One Punch Man (Image via Madhouse)

One Punch Man chapter 179 will most likely see Saitama fight with Tatsumaki in one of the cities. This is because the webcomic saw the two fight in the same scenario, during which they disposed off a villainous gang in N-City and a Dragon-level monster in H-City. Following that, the manga chapter may also feature Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, who, upon spotting Saitama, intends to fight him.

Tatsumaki was previously injured, which is why exerting too much energy in trying to fight Saitama could be harmful to her. Elsewhere, Fubuki will be left with her Blizzard Group. Considering her mission to stop Tsukuyomi was quite risky, she may choose to leave her group in One Punch Man chapter 179.

Recap of One Punch Man chapter 178

Air as seen in One Punch Man chapter 178 (Image via Shueisha)

One Punch Man chapter 178, titled Take It Outside!, saw Air waking up with some modifications done to his body. Meanwhile, Forte started to plan a revenge match against Saitama. He believed that the Caped Baldy had esper powers, but his friends immediately informed him that he was hit by a car.

Elsewhere, Saitama tried to stop Tatsumaki, but she kept exerting pressure towards Saitama using her esper powers. As the former started to get frustrated, he asked Fubuki to take the Blizzard group members outside while he dealt with Tatsumaki. This led to Tatsumaki enquiring Saitama about her relationship with Fubuki, to which he responded that she was an acquaintance.

Fubuki was visibly upset. As Tatsumaki increased her power, it caused the room to start twisting. Saitama had no other choice but to grab Tatsumaki and take their fight outside.

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